Turner Holler Farm & Soapery

Turner Holler Farm & Soapery


The creation of a soap!

Oils, lye & goat milk
Oils, lye & goat milk

Hot process

 Here is the beginnings of our Oatmeal, Milk & Honey goat milk soap. The oils, lye water & milk has been blended and cooked for about an hour here.

I don’t stir until it gets to this point. 

Almost soap

 Now that it’s holding some shape when stirred and has a waxy look, it’s ready for further amendments.

Adding the good stuff!

 Honey is added at this point.  Honey makes soap more bubbly and is a humectant which attracts moisture.

Some soothing oat flour.

 Now it’s time for some skin soothing oatmeal flour.

Top it with oats!

 We can’t forget the rolled oats on top!

Waiting to cool!

 Here are two loaves of saponified goodness waiting for their day to shine as great and gentle soaps!


 The soap batter is super-hot in these picture! Use extreme care and wear safety gear!